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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EST

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egypt's muslim nor makers vote through a new constitution resembling hosni mubarak's rule strengthening islamic nor igniting protests among those who believe the revolution has been betrayed. a political disconnect in german parliament allows forty four million or more euros in aid in greece to taxpayers fuming respond to what you. want israel and the us versus the world to dismiss science accept. those of countries gave the go ahead to extend the.
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comment twenty four hours a day this is out. well top story now egypt's islamist dominated constitutional assembly has passed a new draft constitution the document is based on sharia law and is triggered fresh protests across the country opposition activists say it's a betrayal of the revolution's ideals journalist true has the details now from cairo. the problem really stems from the constituent assembly itself many of the liberal leftists and church representatives actually walked out of the constituent assembly to what they said was bullying from the islamist factions that dominated the constitution writing body one of the key issues is the sharia law which many say the articles about sharia law leave opens interpretation to a very ultra orthodox interpretation and in addition that rights groups are saying that some articles are really impinging on human rights for example the practice of military trials of civilians which is condemned under international law it's actually included in the constitution this has been
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a point of contention for revolutionaries since january two thousand and eleven this document will go to president morsi today and we expect to see it go to referee referendum book in the referendum in the next few weeks because they opposition forces have called for a million man marches across egypt and also they are continuing their sixteen and. we really will see probably more escalating violence we've seen on the streets recently because of what they call a power grab by president morsi was referring to it as they are very controversial constitution but gratian we awarded himself sweeping power as rival protest groups the pro and anti more t m o c who says he met on egypt's streets really is that she was out in a fair amount of violence the last week including actually least one that really people are gearing up for more protests specially as we now have this draft constitution for people who i believe god as illegitimate. true is in the thick of events in cairo and is tweeting the very latest about it she says watch towers i
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think set up one to the actions of protesters. to stay out. what he's tomball turn has been in cairo throughout the protests he reports no consequences of the instability. after days of around the clock protests a cleanup operation is going on here in the streets of tahrir square there's a lot of debris to be cleared up from there was stones that were being ripped up from the pavements and thrown at the police this building here the branches ripped off the trees and fires were started here by groups of largely young male protesters not representative of the overall movement but a spillover that caused a lot of violence in the streets around tougher square the police built this hastily to stop the protesters getting further down we couldn't get anywhere near here throughout the days and nights of constant protest such was the thick clouds
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of tear gas and the flying stones. the fires being lit in buildings many casualties on both sides being dragged away choking on the tear gas and with injuries from flying stones a number of protesters of died and many many more have been wounded in protests around egypt over the past few days big protests planned in the coming days but it's very much not the end of the story here and it may not be the end of the violence that we've seen in these protests. from the egyptian current party says that if the new constitution gets through referendum it would even further cement his grip on power. if it gets a popular vote that means it's more or less the constitution that would have filled there's another critical mass that would allow for an amendment however there's no mechanism to propose an amendment to the constitution after it passes through the
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referendum which means there has to be enough change within parliament and the hands of the non islamic parties so that they can propose such a change which seems to be questionable with how the parliament of the previous parliament was consequence to that forty three percent of the muslim brotherhood and twenty seven percent of the salafist so even if there is a significant changes and you have a fifty fifty percent parliament. that still seems to be questionable that you would have such a change or a growing unrest in egypt as well as protests in the bee and tunisia many analysts are now questioning just how much change the arab spring has brought to these countries is going to check and found out their fears but instead of a better and brighter tomorrow these nations may actually be sliding towards
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a darker future. less than two years after the gyptian people out all possible hosni mubarak mohamed morsi granted himself even more power than his predecessor head to the special the kray president morsi makes sure that no court can challenge is decisions. that the president's power grab brought hundreds of thousands of egyptians onto the street with a shared sense that their aspirations were being betrayed. unfortunately were replaced the corrupt regime of mubarak with a regime that is more strict and violent the draft version of egypt's new constitution inserts new islamic references into the country's system of government and keeps in place an article defining the principles of korea as the main source of legislation when they're not in power there are moderates. in the united states and washington the various islamic organizations that dominate in the us but when they come into power they put a lot grip on power it is socially establish an islamic dictatorship the sense of
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betrayal and disappointment has not left the street so tunisia the first country to witness an arab spring uprising unemployment there skyrocketed in the wake of the revolution and is now at eighteen percent. our demands are the same as those that have been made during the revolution we want jobs development in the region and the equitable sharing of wealth we also demand the dismissal of the governor who has done nothing for this region but it's comprised the development here as the arab spring unfolded less than two years ago the obama administration jumped on the bandwagon of the revolutions hoping to forge better alliances with the new leaders . in libya the u.s. prompted the change with airstrikes and arms supplies were seen policymakers here in washington trying very hard to present the arab spring as a success story up until september washington had the revolution in libya check as a foreign policy victory for president obama after all the u.s. provided most of the firepower which led to the capture and the. killing of moammar
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gadhafi only after the tragic attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi and the murder of the american ambassador there did leave you come back into the spotlight and the chaos that we see there now flies in the face of that success story narrative protests frequently disrupt operations at the main oil refinery in western libya while the new government in libya has little or no control over the numerous militia the civil war has left the country shredded to pieces with radical islamic taking advantage of. so many in the post-revolutionary north african countries despair and violence every place the hopes of the arab spring in washington i'm going to stick around. well for more on the unrest in egypt and its ground as well as the one of developments in the arab spring you can head for r.t. dot com. and there's been a collective sigh of relief in athens as german lawmakers passed a massive new aid package for the indebted nation aside from releasing greeks more
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cash it slashes interest rates today's payments and even pushes back austerity deadlines minorities' piece all of the reports now those footing the bill and all that happy. germany will be giving more financial aid towards greece now we saw m.p.'s voting with four hundred seventy three saying yes to this a package one hundred saying no and eleven abstentions now what this does mean no and it's been talked about throughout the week is in next year alone it could cost germany over seven hundred million euros but we are seeing the politicians at least giving their support financial support towards greece however that support isn't being particularly backed up by some of the electorate here people on the streets of germany suggesting that perhaps greece should be left to its own devices. that is enough because we won't see this money ever again. at some point it should be stopped it's high time they were capable of helping themselves we're ok for now but
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somebody we could also go to broke their silence spec north to vote this is all you look we have already given at least so much more on the issues started already a lot going on hunger started pollute and there's nothing more is made and i don't think that well they were people speaking just outside of the reichstag but that seems to be reflected across the country a recent poll taken by a german television station says that forty six percent of germans want to see greece left to default left up to its own devices however the politicians in here in germany have voted through this next round of financial aid but it wasn't smooth sailing we saw a very confident looking angle or merkel posting her vote but that belies some rumblings of revolt within her own party and her own coalition the worst people saying that no no we are just going to rubber stamp any things put before us you've got to prove this is in the best interests of germany of course all of this coming around as we enter what will be the campaigning season ahead of
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a general election here in germany next year so it does seem that the german politicians at least are on the side of angela merkel and trying to give more financial aid to greece that as an increasing amount of the electorate who seem to be suggesting they should be cut loose. according this latest great deal of breakthrough skeptics aren't convinced citing past failures nor a deputy head of the think tank hoping that you would burn in this is just another sticking plaster rather than a solution. a lot is expected from this package and i'm convinced that even members of the windows that are hoping they won't have to again. and and i think also if you look at the overwhelming support that they offered there's. been might be some really considerations in play here i think that if you look at the numbers and what is expected from this packets and reducing debt to g.d.p.
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ratio in greece to one hundred twenty percent by twenty twenty and the very datable still and i believe unfortunately that this package is just another pleasure and a long term solution to greece's problems. coming up soon too in the sun as the world's most renowned whistleblower promises scandalous new leaks are just around the corner. do you think that something it's just cable kates could ever happen again for six years what's the time next year of life. as the world's top us how about this leave you in the stands talks exclusively to our t.v. that's coming up after a short break. a
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lovely quiet morning a family gently sleeps in district heights maryland with fifty armed f.b.i. agents stormed the house guns drawn despite the family pleading that they were unarmed the law enforcement agents opened fire on a weaponless teenager my usually thankfully surely suffered minor flesh wounds but the key issue is that rates unknown as to why the house will storm so here in america for no reason guys in black uniforms storm someone's house own loads of rounds and left with no justification or explanation yet. the family still doesn't know why this happened the f.b.i. is remaining silent you know i understand that there are some very bad individuals out there doing some very bad stuff at home but if you don't even really know who's house or storming or why you're storming it then maybe you should lay off the siege for a while you know what take a few minutes to think it over have a cup of coffee and maybe even do a little google search about the fourth amendment but that's just my opinion.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems. you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry is a big. unfortunate
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and counterproductive that's how washington describes the u.n. general assembly is historically good despite its more than two thirds of the world saying yes to palestine is bid for statehood israel's prime minister called the move meaningless when the palestinian people their drive would bring no change to their lives. in tel aviv. these ladies certainly are downplaying the significance of this vote although we have seen them would use the kind of rhetoric that they've been after you know the past few weeks and months so they're no longer issuing the same kinds of threats that they were before presumably because they understand that this will only further isolate them in the international community the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly said that this vote does not change the reality on the ground the israeli position is that it is
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a unilateral step by the palestinians they accuse the resolution of being one sided both the united states and israel saying that it's not going to change the reality on the ground in this despite the fact that we're hearing in some quarters in the international community and certainly from palestinians themselves that it is a significant step at the same time there is a concern of course with him as well that the palestinians will now use the new status to go for example to the international criminal court in the hague where they can accuse israel of alleged crimes and of course these kind of threats in the past has prevented some israeli lawmakers as well as many tributes from traveling abroad because there are concerned that could be arrested over such issues so united states through its unflinching support for israel has alienated a lot of its old time allies in the united nations susan rice the american ambassador to the united nations after slamming the vote again reiterated the american position that it will not change anything on the ground to
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a grand pronouncements. and the palestinian people will wake up tomorrow and find that little about their lives has changed today's vote should not be misconstrued by any as constituting eligibility for u.n. membership it does not this resolution does not establish that palestine is a state and yet talking to the average israeli on the street largely the response here is muted most israelis i've been talking to are actually by and large ignoring this fundamental and historic occasion which is a far cry from the kind of reaction we witnessing on the streets in palestine. the world's i think you towards a palestinian drive for greater independence has changed from that of last year sixty european countries for instance in twenty eleven passed in saw turn from to receive membership in the un's cultural agency unesco a majority of european states either abstained or rejected the bid but the u.n.
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vote on thursday the czech republic became the only ripping country to say no to the palestinian resolution many of those who abstained last year decided to support them. well this is this increased recognition this increase in status in the united nations is a manifestation of increased international solidarity with the palestinian situation and this will. bring hopefully a manifest improvement for the palestinians in respect of their access to international law and to have the rule of law applied to their relationship with the state of israel so here in gaza where we just witnessed an israeli military operation exacted on the gaza strip in which fifty nine children were killed seventeen babies were killed palestinians are hoping that this increase in legal status will deter. a nother like that in which syrians believe that the crime of facing war crimes committed against the population here in gaza in the
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west bank they have a situation not with such sort of military violence but they have on the ground direct military occupation they have according to palestinians in palestinian terminology an illegal colonise ation process with illegal settlements being built what the hope is both bits of palestine that is left there will be some practical improvement albeit a small one for them and for their lives. well joining us live now from ramallah is going to have a director for the palestinian national authority media center thanks for joining us here on r.t. it may have been the historic moment for palestinians but do you think it will change anything on the ground especially after israel and america rejected the outcome. i don't think it will make any change on the ground immediately but i think that it's part of the process of accumulation that
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will lead ultimately into ending the occupation and establishing an independent palestinian state it's an important political and legal victory that will have some practical consequences in terms of the ability of the palestinians to join certain you and agencies which has direct positive consequences of the palestinians but due to the fact that israel show not respect to the resolutions of the united nation. reality on the ground as far as the occupation is concerned will continue as it is but i think that after this big vote of support to palestine the international community is required to move from only stating in support of position into doing whatever it takes in order to end the israeli illegal occupation allow for the establishment of an independent palestinian state and is this un just a significant for those in gaza as it is for those in the west bank.
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it is significant in the political sense for the for both palestinians in the west bank and gaza and this is one of the rare moves that enjoys the support of all different factions whether in the west bank or in gaza strip that's why many palestinians on public level. hopeful that hopefully this achievement will contribute to the early conciliation dialogue between the various factions for the one hundred hours and hopefully would lead him to somebody called for solution and unification however israel has already be reacted to this by announcing that he will build one of around three thousand new homes as part of its settlement activities in the west bank how the palestinian leadership react to that . i think that this is an example.
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of the fact that. it's showing or continue to show respect to the resolutions of the. international agencies and to the well of the international community and i think that one of the reasons why very small number of countries a voted against this resolution have very little number of countries. supporting the israeli position is due to the fact that israel is continuing to disregard the will of the national community that has been called by all international community on israel to stop the expansion of settlements but yet they're moving ahead with it which is isolating israel and i hope this will further isolate. the policy of israel and will encourage the members of the national community to hold israel accountable in a practical way on its violations to international law and its violations of the
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rights of the palestinian people especially on the expansion of illegal settlements what in terms of accountability then as you say many palestine's new status could have benchley seen them join the international criminal court do you think they would use this position to drag israel to the hague operation cast lead four years ago for example hundreds of palestinians died. yes these kind of israeli war crimes seem to be continuing. daily by additions of the international law by the israeli occupation in the west bank. and we hope that this wall which will enable palestine to be among many relevant agencies will enhance the process of accountability against israel and in the same time and the process of building the
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infrastructure of the state. that it is with the help of the international community. that professor. thank you very much for joining us here r.t. . online right now abuse in detention for the american soldier accused of revealing the military's. bradley manning speaks for the first time the mistreatment he says he's been subjected to. this night on the solar system smallest planet nasa scientists claim they discovered. it created it in from the rest of the sunspots are more.
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the world's top whistleblower suns has dismissed speculation that his health is deteriorating instead he revealed to r.t. that there will be a new sensation explosion next year and he promises will send shock waves around the world correspondent laura smith spoke to wiki leaks supreme. as any journalist working in london now is i'm pretty familiar with standing outside the ecuadorian embassy waiting for julian assange is to come out and talk from the balcony just to my right here but this evening i've been inside to get chris or an embassy to talk to judith he's recently written a book called cypherpunks freedom and the future of the internet and that's what he really wants to talk about at the moment and we did talk about that we talked about how he sees this increase in state surveillance is hugely damaging for the entire fabric of society how companies and governments can minute the internet for data that is placed there willingly but unwittingly boy citizens all over the world
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let's just listen into a little bit of what he said about that we all think are. some kind of poetic realm where we can throw ideas and communication with writers and books and exist somewhere out there and actually there exists. who are physically controls that controls the room of our ideas and communications and whoever is able to sit on those communications channels can intercept entire nations. julian assange has been picked up in the embassy behind me for more than five months now and you may have heard reports in the media in the last couple of days that he's developed a lung condition but in fact his people are saying that there is no lung condition although he does have quite a pervasive cough actually pale quite thin but he seems to be in high spirits but the possibility the specter of a serious illness has raised questions about what the government of this country
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would do if he was ill with their loud medical help to go into the embassy would if he had to get out to go to hospital would they use that as an excuse to arrest him he at this current moment doesn't want to talk about his personal situation he's much more interested in talking about the book that he's just wrong. off the back of the program that he made but nevertheless there are concerns about his general health when i asked him whether they could ever be as bleak as significant as cable gates of which way the course just in the two year anniversary he said that we should watch this space do you think that something is law or just cable kate could ever happen again i would have a similar impact. but what's the time next year when you go in. there we should watch out for that you can see my whole interview with judy in ourselves later on in the program. indeed that full interview which is on there in less than five minutes from now. and some other news making headlines
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around the world now tens of thousands marched in kuwait on the eve of the parliamentary election and supporters are protesting against election changes which they say give an unfair advantage to the ruling coalition didn't intervene this time in previous rallies which. have seen around one hundred seventy demonstrators and officers injured. several nobel laureates are demanding that the e.u. be stripped of its peace prize and protests that are saying that this year's winner doesn't fit the brief accuses the. to be on the exclusion of purpose he was being recognized for its role in reconciliation and peace accord to the nobel judges takes place on the some of the terms. coming up after the break out his exclusive interview with during the sounds. you can tell an ordinary russian siberian appalled in the blink of an. eighteenth
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century anthropologist in those days different clothes different food from different animals but what about. my journey. we began in two men but the big city was all shiny all funded skyscrapers and shopping malls much like any other prosperous russian. so i decided to. a small town just outside. many. dumplings came from here to dominate the russian cuisine but only in siberia . filled with cabbage and jam making sure you can have many as a starter main dish.


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